We all know that marketing is about identifying and solving the needs of a market segment through a brand’s products and services. But the question is: have we stopped to think about what exactly these needs are and where they come from?
When it comes to needs, Maslow’s pyramid theory is a good place to start. Its author, psychologist Abraham Maslow, identified 5 different levels of needs that we all experience on the path to satisfaction.
Maslow’s pyramid theory first appeared in his 1943 book A Theory of Human Motivation. This theory seeks to answer what motivates us to take action. According to Maslow, the motivation to do something is to satisfy a need.
Human needs can be classified into 5 levels from most to least basic, forming the famous pyramid. Once the most basic needs have been satisfied, we can move on to the next ones. Thus, our goals will vary depending on our situation at any given time.
These are some basic principles of the theory:
Let’s see what the levels of Maslow’s pyramid are, starting with the most basic needs, and how we can apply them in our daily lives as digital marketers.
At the most basic level of the pyramid are the physiological needs, which accompany us from birth and are essential for our survival.
Physiological needs have a biological origin since they are essential processes for the maintenance of our physical body. Among them, we find breathing, eating, drinking water, sleeping, maintaining a constant body temperature, having sexual relations, and avoiding pain.
Applying this logic to the world of digital marketing, we could say that smartphones and other devices with internet access are at this level of the pyramid since without them it would not be possible to communicate with our audience. They are the base of the pyramid on which all our work as marketers is based.
At the next higher level, once our immediate physical survival is assured, we need security and protection. These refer to those aspects necessary for us to feel safe and to be able to develop our lives without fear, such as:
In the world of digital marketing, this concept translates to data protection and secure online shopping. All those elements that keep devices and profiles safe, such as antivirus or passwords, would be part of this level.
As marketers, we can overcome this level by offering trustworthy guarantees regarding the protection of user data and online payments.
At the intermediate level of the pyramid, we find the need to relate to other human beings, to establish links with our peers.
There are many activities in our daily lives that are aimed at solving the need for affiliation and fighting loneliness, from team sports to corporate team buildings.
This level is considered satisfied when we feel integrated into society through our relationships at different levels: friendships, family, couples, groups, and communities.
In digital marketing, this level would be represented by the number of followers, friends, or fans on social media. But it is not just about raw numbers, but also about developing quality relationships by frequently interacting with the community.
The fourth level of Maslow’s pyramid is related to the way we value ourselves and are valued by others, so we can distinguish between two different aspects:
High esteem (what we would normally call “self-esteem”) is that which refers to ourselves. This would include feelings such as confidence, competence, achievement, independence, or freedom.
Low esteem refers to the appreciation of others and includes the need for attention, reputation, status, or fame.
In the world of social media, recognition needs to translate into interactions such as likes, comments, favorites, retweets, or other actions with which we convey our appreciation for others’ content.
Finally, we have the top of the pyramid, the place we aspire to when all other needs have already been met. This last step is difficult to define since self-actualization needs are very individual. In addition, they cannot be satisfied easily and immediately, but rather it is a long process.
At this level of the pyramid, the individual seeks personal growth and develops his or her full potential through different facets, such as his or her spiritual life, his or her moral values, the search for a vital mission, or helping others.
At the top of digital marketing is the figure of the “influencer“, that is, the user who can have a significant impact through their activity on social networks and use them to promote their values and lifestyle.
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